Sunday, October 14, 2007


Isn't amazing that you go through life thinking you have friends and only to find that these so-called friends are nothing more than mere acquaintances. I have a select few of true friends, maybe around 4 or 5, but no more than that. I have people that I thought were true friends, but never speak to me, so are they even my friends at all? I know that I have made an effort to be friends with people after I moved to Evansville in 1999 and some of these people have stayed my friends the whole way through and some have spoke to me only when I make the first move. That isn't how a friendship should be. I have a friend who talked so bad about a mutual friend of ours, even had this person in her wedding and now they act like best friends, I am sorry, I don't get. Why be so fake? You know what I mean. I just wish the friends I had before 1999, were still the best friends I had. I have great friends now, but I still miss my old ones.

Friday, October 12, 2007

My Life As Of Now

Hey everyone, just a quick update on life here in the Brockman home!
Kaizer is potty trained now!!!
No more diapers, thank God, what a money saver that will be! He is doing most things on his own now! He goes to the bathroom, picks his clothes, and shoes all by himself! I guess he really is the big boy now! Timmy is working all the time and it sucks! I am watching my neices from time to time and that is going okay! My youngest neice, Lee Ann, isn't doing so great in school, but hopefully she will improve. My oldest neice Zoe is doing great in school and that is wonderful! I am not allowed to see or speak to my nephew so your guess is as good as mine! Other than that, life is good! I have lost about 10 pounds now and it wasn't easy!!! Hard work! But I hope all is well and I will update more later!